
SaaStr Blog

  Jason M. Lemkin, Venture Capitalist, and SaaS enthusiast started SaaStr as a simple WordPress blog featuring his answers to questions he got on Quora. Today, it's one of the world's biggest SaaS developers and entrepreneurs. Readers should expect large-scale posts on the development of SaaS companies and tactical guidance for the SaaS sales leaders on how to get more from your team.

Gong Labs Blog

Image's Gong Labs Blog gives you information, perspectives, and data from analyzing the world's largest database of AI sales conversations. Gong blog releases data by analyzing hundreds and thousands of recorded and transcribed AI sales conversations so you can know from hard data what defines successful salespeople.  They usually publish about one post a week, concentrating on quality over quantity. Each is filled with sales strategies to help you reach your target.

Linkedln Sales Solutions

  LinkedIn is another resource a sales guy can't disregard. The sales blog will make sure you utilize Linkedin as a sales platform to its full potential.  Social  Sales through networks like Linkedin should be a priority for sales teams. Subscribe to LinkedIn 's sales blog to get the latest social marketing news and tactics and get an update on universal best sales practices. With a heavy emphasis on social sales, LinkedIn Sales Solutions helps sales reps remain up-to-date on the latest developments and strategies in the ever-evolving social selling environment.

Hub Spot Sales Blog

HubSpot is one of the world's most significant marketing and sales tools, with over 15,000 customers in 90 countries. Hubspot sales blog offers readers advice and sales preparation. From drafting the perfect email subject line that leads to closures to negotiating an agreement, here you'll get all the advice, you need to reach or exceed your sales target. Authors include many of the sales world's best-known names, including Donald E. Kelly, Jeff Hoffman, Anthony Iannarino, Trish Bertuzzi, and more.


  Author of The Sales Blog, Anthony Iannarino, is a reputable speaker, author, and sales leader. His sales tips are straightforward and refreshing, making his style of writing easily digestible and practical. Read this post:  The three most important metrics in sales Excerpt:  “Everything is important, but not everything can most important. When it comes to  metrics , more is not always better. There are, however, some metrics that tell you much about your sales results—and your challenges. These three metrics in sales can tell you a lot about what you need to know to improve.” Read more > Follow each of these  sales blogs  and positively impact the way  you  approach selling. What are your favorite sales blogs?  Let me know on LinkedIn ! We'll keep updating this post based on your comments.

The make it Happen Blog

  Ready to make it happen? John Barrows, a sales trainer to the world’s fastest-growing companies, is a valuable sales resource for leaders looking to accelerate their revenue teams. His sales-related blog posts are engaging and unforgettable. Learn through his personal experiences in sales—including topics like how John knew he was going to lose a $200k deal and 11 sales tips he learned after getting drunk in Vegas and buying a timeshare (sounds fun!). Read this post:  5 voicemail tactics to get more callbacks Excerpt:  “Voicemails should be part of any overall contact strategy that includes a mix of calls, e-mails, social selling and other ways of getting your message in front of the right target prospect. If your contact strategy includes quality and relevant messaging each time it increases the chances of someone responding. They may not call you back from your voicemail but if they see (e-mail), hear (call/voicemail), see, hear different values of your solution they ...

Jill Konrath's Sales Blog

  Sales thought leader Jill Konrath is always searching for the freshest sales strategies. Then, she shares her findings with the world. Discover how to speed up your sales and win more business, as Jill combines first-hand experiences and sales tips like a pro. Her most recent topics are focused on value propositions, conversational sales, and keeping competitors out of reach. Read this post:  Is your value proposition strong enough? Excerpt:  “Clearly articulated value propositions can be used to develop highly effective phone or email messages that highlight your buyers’ primary issues/challenges and the key business results your product, service or solution addresses. They can also be used to create buyer-centric presentations, customized proposals and spot-on marketing initiatives. Let me be clear though. There is not one single value proposition that rules them all.” Read more >