8.Predictable Revenue Blog

 Predictable Revenue Blog:

Aaron Ross, award-winning and bestselling author, has spent years teaching companies how to double or triple (or more) their sales. On the Predictable Revenue blog, he and his team share the latest B2B sales trends.

Recent topics on this sales blog include cultivating confidence, growth secrets, and the power of long-term goal setting.

Read this post: The key to getting your first 10 customers isn’t sales — it’s product

Excerpt: “In addition to speaking with as many potential users as possible, there are other methods of ascertaining the effectiveness and necessity of your product. For example, I suggest employing the always illuminating toothbrush test, which, simply put, means understanding how many times your users log into your product each day. Is it twice per day (the same amount of times they’d use a toothbrush)? If so, you’ve likely hit on a pretty powerful need.”
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