Sales Haker

How to know whether you need Salesforce or note:

 Many organizations focus too heavily on upfront price when selecting a CRM only to end up spending more money customizing a system that doesn’t meet their needs. But with a little planning, you can make the right choice. Here are the top three steps for finding the right CRM for your organization. 

1. Get clear on your operational requirements Let’s start at the top.

 First, figure out what operational requirements your business needs. Number of sales processes If your organization has two or more distinct sales processes, this could be a flag for needing a robust CRM like Salesforce. Say you sell software to enterprise and mid-market companies across both retail and B2B. Their sales stages might look different. Chances are, each path will need to capture its own special data, forcing reps to follow different rules. For example, enterprise opportunities might be able to skip Stage 1, while mid-market can skip Stage 3. Choosing the right CRM depends on how much custom code you’re willing to pay for and how scalable your CRM needs to be. Salesforce allows more customization without special code than most other CRMs, so teams with heavier customization are more likely to need Salesforce. But if your sales processes require less customization, a heavier CRM might be overkill.

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