9.Jill Konrath's Sales Blog

 Jill Konrath's Sales Blog:

Sales thought leader Jill Konrath is always searching for the freshest sales strategies. Then, she shares her findings with the world.

Discover how to speed up your sales and win more business, as Jill combines first-hand experiences and sales tips like a pro. Her most recent topics are focused on value propositions, conversational sales, and keeping competitors out of reach.

Read this post: Is your value proposition strong enough?

Excerpt: “Clearly articulated value propositions can be used to develop highly effective phone or email messages that highlight your buyers’ primary issues/challenges and the key business results your product, service or solution addresses. They can also be used to create buyer-centric presentations, customized proposals and spot-on marketing initiatives.

Let me be clear though. There is not one single value proposition that rules them all.”
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